Panel 1: (Desmond has his eyes closed; he is slurping soup out of a spoon, holding the bowl. Cedric is smiling and tapping Desmond’s shoulder from behind with TAP TAP sounds)

Panel 2: (Desmond is putting his spoon down into the bowl, and turning his head to look at Cedric, who is signing and smiling)

Panel 3: (Cedric is still signing and smiling, while Desmond is turning his head from watching him to eat the bowl of soup. Some soup is splashing out of his spoon, down into the bowl)

Panel 4: (Cedric is tapping Desmond’s shoulder from behind with TAP TAP sounds, smiling, and signing. Desmond is frustratedly turning his head to look at Cedric while putting the spoon into his mouth, which misses and is splashing into the bowl)

Panel 5: (Cedric is quiet and looking at Desmond, who is putting the spoon down into the bowl, smiling, and signing idea)
Desmond: “[Image of a flashing lightbulb]”

Panel 6: (Cedric is smiling wide and signing, while Desmond is sipping a bowl of soup through a straw)
Desmond: “SLURRRP!”

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