Panel 1: (Desmond is standing behind a bar counter, holding a pen with one hand, and waving a written note in the air with the other hand. He is smiling. There is a male bartender who looks concerned, drying a glass, speaking)
Desmond‘s note: “Can I use the remote for the football game?”

Panel 2: (Desmond is smiling, holding a pen. The bartender is holding a note from Desmond, turning his head to look at the TV, clicking the remote with effort, making a CLICK! sound)
Desmond‘s note: “Okay, then… can you turn the captions on for the pre-game show?”

Panel 3: (Desmond is smiling, waving a note in the air with one hand, and pointing at it with his other hand. The bartender looks concerned; he is swiping a card at the machine, turning his head to look at Desmond)
Desmond‘s note: “The game is on. Can you turn the captions off? They interfere with the stats.”

Panel 4: (Desmond is smiling, waving a note in the air with one hand, and pointing at the TV with his other hand. The bartender looks concerned; he is carrying several plates with food and glasses in his arms, turning his head to look at Desmond)
Desmond‘s note: “Can you turn the captions back on for the commercials, please?”

Panel 5: (Desmond is smiling, holding a pen in one hand, and waving a note in the air with his other hand. The bartender is frustrated, holding up a tray of filled beer glasses and a pitcher in one hand, and giving the TV remote to Desmond with his other hand, shouting)
Desmond‘s note: “The game is back on. Can you turn the captions off…”

Panel 6: (Desmond is smiling and watching the game on TV, eating a bowl of pretzels; he has a drink next to him on the table and is clicking the remote, making a CLICK! sound)
Desmond is thinking: “INTERCEPTION COMPLETE!”

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